Travel destinations Peru – History

Huaca Rajada – Sipán

«Huaca Rajada» is an archaeological complex with several «Huacas» (pyramids). Here, in 1987, the intact Huaca Rajada, Sipántomb of a ruler of the Moche culture was discovered: the «Señor de Sipán». He was covered with imposing ornaments of gold, silver, turquoise, and shells. Also in the tomb were bones of women, children, warriors, and animals that were sacrificed and buried with him to accompany him to the other dimension.

Geographical location

35 km south-east of Chiclayo.
Huaca Rajada, Sipán

27 m.

Climate of the nearby city of Chiclayo:

Average temperature

January: 24 °C, February: 27 °C, March: 25 °C, April: 24 °C, May: 22 °C, June: 21 °C, July: 20 °C, August: 19 °C, September: 19 °C, October: 20 °C, November: 21 °C, December: 22 °C.

Source of statistical data: Weatherbase.


Average high and low temperature

January: 27,2 °C / 18,9 °C, February: 28,8 °C / 20,4 °C, March: 28,6 °C / 20,2 °C, April: 26,7 °C / 18,7 °C, May: 25,0 °C / 17,3 °C, Junei: 23,6 °C / 16,6 °C, July: 22,8 °C / 15,8 °C, August: 22,5 °C / 15,5 °C, September: 22,5 °C / 15,4 °C, October: 22,9 °C / 15,7 °C, November: 23,9 °C / 16,3 °C, December: 25,4 °C / 17,6 °C.


Average rainfall

January: 4 mm, February: 7 mm, March: 9 mm, April: 3 mm, May: 1 mm, June: 0 mm, July: 0 mm, August: 0 mm, September: 0 mm, October: 1 mm, November: 1 mm, December: 2 mm.

Source of statistical data: Senamhi.


Average relative humidity – Morning

January: 85%, February: 84%, March: 86%, April: 86%, May: 87%, June: 88%, July: 88%, August: 90%, September: 89%, October: 89%, November: 87%, December: 87%.


Average relative humidity – Evening

January: 61%, February: 59%, March: 61%, April: 62%, May: 65%, June: 66%, July: 66%, August: 67%, September: 66%, October: 66%,7 November: 64%, December: 62%.

Source of statistical data: Weatherbase.

Photo: ANDINA.

Travel programs:
Round trip Northern Peru   PTW-PER006

Northern Peru

13 days / 12 nights

Round trip: Lima, Chiclayo, Chachapoyas, Karajía, Kuelap, Leymebamba, Gocta, Tarapoto, Lamas, Lago Lindo, Laguna Azul, Tarapoto, Lima.

Tumbas Reales del Señor de Sipan   PTW-CHT001

Chiclayo  and Surroundings

5 days / 4 nights

Huaca Rajada, Tucume, Museum Tumbas Reales de Sipán, Bosque de Pomac (Batan Grande), Museum Sicán, Chaparri, City tour in Chiclayo and witch market.

Huanchaco   PTW-CHT002

Trujillo and Chiclayo

8 days / 7 nights

Pyramid of the Sun, Pyramid of the Moon, Chan Chan, Huanchaco, City tour in Trujillo, El Brujo, Museum La Señora de Cao, Huaca Rajada, Tucume, Museum Tumbas Reales de Sipán, Bosque de Pomac (Batan Grande), Museum Sicán, Chaparri, City tour in Chiclayo and witch market.


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