Travel destinations Peru – History
Huacas of the Sun and the Moon
South of Trujillo, 8 km from downtown.
Average temperature
January: 22 °C, February: 23 °C, March: 22 °C, April: 21 °C, May: 20 °C, June:
19 °C, July: 18 °C, August: 17 °C, September: 17 °C, October: 18 °C, November:
19 °C, December: 20 °C.
Source of statistical data: Weatherbase.
Average high and low temperature
January: 24,9 °C / 17,1
°C, February: 25,8 °C
/ 18,1 °C, March: 25,5 °C
/ 18,2 °C, April: 24,2 °C
/ 16,9 °C, May: 23,1 °C
/ 15,9 °C, June: 21,9 °C
/ 15,1 °C, July: 20,9 °C
/ 14,5 °C, August: 20,2 °C
/ 14,5 °C, September: 20,2 °C
/ 14,1 °C, October: 20,5 °C
/ 14,2 °C, November: 21,9 °C
/ 14,5 °C, December: 23,3 °C
/ 15,9 °C.
Average rainfall
January: 1 mm, February: 1 mm, March: 0 mm, April: 0 mm, May: 0 mm, June:
mm, July: 0 mm, August: 0 mm, September: 0 mm, October: 0 mm, November:
0 mm,
December: 0 mm.
Source of statistical data: Senamhi.
Average relative humidity – Morning
January: 89%, February: 88%, March: 89%, April: 89%, May: 89%, June: 89%, July:
89%, August: 89%, September: 90%, October: 90%, November: 89%, December:
Average relative humidity – Evening
January: 78%, February: 77%, March: 78%, April: 78%, May: 78%, June: 78%, July:
79%, August: 79%, September: 79%, October: 78%,7 November: 76%, December:
Source of statistical data: Weatherbase.
8 days / 7 nights
Pyramid of the Sun, Pyramid of the
Moon, Chan Chan, Huanchaco, City tour in Trujillo, El Brujo, Museum La
Señora de Cao, Huaca Rajada, Tucume, Museum Tumbas Reales de Sipán,
Bosque de Pomac (Batan Grande), Museum Sicán, Chaparri, City tour in
Chiclayo and witch market.
4 days / 3 nights
Pyramide of the Sun,
Pyramid of the Moon, Chan Chan, Huanchaco, City tour in Trujillo, El
Brujo, Museum La Señora de Cao.
archaeological complex «Huacas del Sol y de la Luna» (Sun and Moon
Pyramids) was the center of the Moche culture. The «Huaca del Sol» was the
political-administrative center, the «Huaca de la Luna» was the religious
center. Between the two is the settlement with streets, apartments,
alleys, squares and corridors.
Geographical location
Climate of the nearby city of Trujillo:
Travel programs:
and Chiclayo