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Ahuashiyacu waterfall, northeast of Tarapoto on the road to Yurimaguas in the Cordillera Escalera Regional Conservation Area. «Ahuashiyacu» comes from the Quechua language and means «laughing water».
Geographical location

14 km northeast of Tarapoto.


465 m.

Height of the waterfall

One drop at 60 m and another at 40 m.

Climate of Tarapoto, 14 km away:

Average temperature

January: 27 °C, February: 27 °C, March: 26 °C, April: 26 °C, May: 26 °C, June: 25 °C, July: 25 °C, August: 26 °C, September: 26 °C, October: 26 °C, November: 27 °C, December: 27 °C.

Source of statistical data: Weatherbase.

Average high and low temperature

January: 33 °C / 20 °C, February: 32,7 °C / 20,2 °C, March: 32,2 °C / 20,3 °C, April: 32,1 °C / 20 °C, May: 31,8 °C / 19,5 °C, June: 31,6 °C / 18,7 °C, July: 31,1 °C / 18 °C, August: 32,5 °C / 18,3 °C, September: 32,6 °C / 18,9 °C, October: 32,9 °C / 19,7 °C, November: 33 °C / 19,9 °C, December: 33,3 °C / 20,2 °C.


Average rainfall

January: 102 mm, February: 101 mm, March: 156 mm, April: 116 mm, May: 105 mm, June: 71 mm, July: 58 mm, August: 68 mm, September: 103 mm, October: 122 mm, November: 86 mm, December: 69 mm.

Source of statistical data: Senamhi.


Average relative humidity – Morning

January: 94%, February: 96%, March: 96%, April: 96%, May: 97%, June: 97%, July: 97%, August: 97%, September: 97%, October: 96%, November: 94%, December: 94%.


Average relative humidity – Evening

January: 63%, February: 64%, March: 67%, April: 68%, May: 66%, June: 66%, July: 63%, August: 63%, September: 64%, October: 64%,7 November: 64%, December: 63%.

Source of statistical data: Weatherbase.

Photo: ANDINA.

Travel programs:

Rundreise Nordperu


Northern Peru

13 days / 12 nights

Round trip: Lima, Chiclayo, Chachapoyas, Karajía, Kuelap, Leymebamba, Gocta, Tarapoto, Lamas, Laguna Azul, Tarapoto, Lima.



Tarapoto with Lamas, Laguna Azul, Alto Mayo and waterfalls

4 days / 3 nights

Tours around Tarapoto with the folkloric Lamas, the Laguna Azul lake, «Alto Mayo» (upper reaches of the Mayo River) and waterfalls.


Laguna Azul


Tarapoto + Chachapoyas

7 days / 6 nights

Combination of two important tourist centers in the north of Peru: jungle area around Tarapoto + Andean mountains with historical sites around Chachapoyas.


Contents / Travel destinations / Nature

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