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The mausoleums of Revash are collective burial sites of the Chachapoyas culture in natural or excavated caves on an imposing cliff. They are painted red and cream and have windows of various shapes. The surrounding rocks are also partly painted with red circles, llamas and other magical symbols.
Geographical location

60 km south of Chachapoyas.


2800 m.

Climate of the nearby city of Leymebamba:

Average temperature

January: 16,9 °C, February: 16,6 °C, March: 16,6 °C, April: 16,7 °C, May: 16,3 °C, June: 15,5 °C, July: 15,5 °C, August: 15,6 °C, September: 16,2 °C, October: 16,9 °C, November: 17,0 °C, December: 17,1 °C.

Average high and low temperature

January: 22,7 °C / 11,1 °C, February: 22,3 °C / 11,0 °C, March: 22,1 °C / 11,1 °C, April: 22,5 °C / 10,9 °C, May: 22,8 °C / 9,9 °C, June: 22,5 °C / 8,6 °C, July: 22,6 °C / 8,5 °C, August: 22,7 °C / 8,5 °C, September: 22,8 °C / 9,7 °C, October: 23,1 °C / 10,7 °C, November: 23,5 °C / 10,5 °C, December: 23,6 °C / 10,6 °C.

Average rainfall

January: 80 mm, February: 92 mm, March: 125 mm, April: 92 mm, May: 40 mm, June: 23 mm, July: 24 mm, August: 21 mm, September: 50 mm, October: 96 mm, November: 83 mm, December: 80 mm.

Source of statistical data:

Travel programs:
Rundreise Nordperu 


Northern Peru

13 days / 12 nights

Round trip: Lima, Chiclayo, Chachapoyas, Karajía, Kuelap, Leymebamba, Gocta, Tarapoto, Lamas, Laguna Azul, Tarapoto, Lima.



Revash, Leymebamba

Day trip

The Revash mausoleums are burial buildings that housed several mummies at the same time. The museum in Leymebamba contains more than 2000 archaeological finds from northern Peru, including the mummies from Laguna de los Cóndores.


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